Saturday 9 April 2011

They say exercise is good for you...

And it is... at bringing pain, aches, lung failure and heart attacks! All of which I found out on Thursday when, as promised, I decided to hit the pavement running.

Before the cold November nights of 2010 kicked in, I had actually started to do okay at running a few km’s first thing in the morning. But my winter break is making me pay the price for opting to hang up my running trainers and snuggle under my duvet instead!

It had all started out pretty well- I was jogging at a nice gentle pace, enjoying the fresh air, listening to a bit of Britney on the iPod, doing better than I thought I would, then BANG!

Horrible, burning pain shooting from my toes to my thighs, and if that wasn’t bad enough my chest started to play up too! Yep, my chest thought: "I think I’m gonna squeeze together really hard so her lungs can’t take in much air and her heart pumps so fast it could explode! Hee hee!"

Luckily, my heart didn’t explode and I was so very very close to running to my target distance and back. But disappointingly, I stopped for a brief 30 second walk just as I was on the home straight! So very very gutting! (I would kick myself for it but I’ve been having real trouble moving my legs since).

Despite the pain. Despite the aches. Despite the fact my butt cheeks feel like they're ripping every time I get on and off the toilet! I will put my body through the torture and run again as there's no way i'm letting my lazy legs and blubber butt beat me in the battle of the bulge this time!

But for now…

It’s Saturday, and I really love Saturdays because it’s the one day of the week I don’t exercise! Hooray! So today, which started with a lovely lie in and a cup of tea in bed (thank you big sis), will be all about rest and relaxation! Oh yeah!

As for the evening, I shall be heading out for a big, fat, well deserved curry with my family to celebrate my dad’s birthday - a nice, little treat after a not so nice, not so little week of healthy eating and exercise!

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