Saturday 28 January 2012

Thought of the week:
Another Tuesday, another Dominos….. and I wonder why I never get anywhere!

Well my idea of eating well all week and letting go at the weekend seems to be a brilliant plan as, knowing I can be a little bad at the weekend means I’m able to stick to my chicken and veg dinners on these cold, dark week nights. But this week did not go well… not well at all!
After a rather long, slightly stressful day at work on Tuesday my dinner quickly turned into a can of Carlsberg and a Domino’s takeaway! That meal turned out to be the first step onto a slippery slope as Wednesday and Thursday soon fell at the wayside!
I think it’s clear that my “eat well in the week, treat myself at the weekend” plan may not be the brilliant idea I first thought it was! So I have now made a decision! A very important decision! And that decision is…. to get strict! Yep, it’s now all or nothing so starting yesterday I’m eating healthy (apart from very, very special occasions!) - even at weekends!

I never weigh myself and very rarely reach for the tape measure- it’s all about how I feel and how much flab is hanging over the top of trousers! So, considering I’m feeling a lot more energetic, and generally just “better”, I would say the six workout sessions a week are starting to make some small impact mentally. However, physically there is still way too much belly rolling over the top button on my work trousers! (Of course this is probably due to my poor… very poor diet, and pizza ordering!)
Currently all my workouts are resistance based and I’m feeling much stronger because of it, but I can have the odd “I’m feeling bulky” moment so cardio is definitely needed! With that said, I’m in no major rush to start my jogging as I do enjoy, and tend to stick to my running a lot more in the warmer, lighter mornings of spring and summer!

Other news:
Me and my sister are currently planning our new look lounge and we have purchased a rather sleek looking wall mounted fire to replace the original wood mantle and electric coal one. We are now scrutinising wall paper and wondering just where we can install a plug socket for the fire seeing as we don’t want the wire showing! Wall paper wise, we’re thinking bright so lots of hot pink, apple green and antigua blue samples are taped to our currently dark purple feature wall. As for the plug dilemma- we have no idea!

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